Moisturizing & Brightening Mask 光雕美白面膜 (适合经常熬夜没有光泽皮肤)

RM 79.00

水感透亮光雕美白面膜蘊含烟酰胺成分美白焕亮肤色,再添加三花提取物(牡 丹枝/花/叶提取物,白花百合花提取物和白睡莲花提取物),调理肌肤同时令肌肤细腻 柔软;库拉索芦荟叶提取物搭配透明质酸钠,保湿舒缓,滋润呵护肌肤


VIDEO ----->

Moisturizing and Brightening Mask contains nicotinamide, which can brighten your skin tone. Peony, white lily and water lily extract can make your skin smooth and soft. Curacao aloe leaf and sodium hyaluronate can moisturize, soothe and nourish your skin.




How to use:

●After cleansing, take out the mask and unfold it; apply it on the face and gently adjust it to fit the skin

●Leave it for 15-30 minutes, then remove it; use your fingertips to gently massage to help the remaining essence absorb.

➡️精雕美白,祛黄、祛黑 、祛暗沉,精准淡斑 根源焕新肌肤
狙击黑色素 焕白嫩肤
加速黑色素脱落 强韧肌肤屏障

#纽西之谜面膜 #提亮肤色改善暗沉 #补水保湿