Tranexamic Acid +Hydrating & Brightening Mask 传明酸烟酰胺精雕水光美白面膜

RM 79.00

Nicotinamide Tranexamic Acid Hydrating and Brightening Mask

• Nicotinamide & Tranxenamic Acid - Reduce melanin synthesis, Increase skin metabolism rate to brighten your skin
• Graphene Mask Sheet - Unique hexagonal lattice design to Tighten & Revitalise Skin, Remove Impurities, Great for Deep Hydration.
Witness the upgraded Brightening and Hydrating effect.

纽西之谜“水光精雕膜"持 国家美白祛斑特证


➡️精雕美白,祛黄、祛黑 、祛暗沉,精准淡斑 根源焕新肌肤
狙击黑色素 焕白嫩肤
加速黑色素脱落 强韧肌肤屏障